This podcast is a Christian radio show that features Singapore’s own worship songs and devotionals. In addition to curating all the best of Singapore’s Christian hits, this podcast also features a devotional segment called Amplify Devo Originals, written by Douglas Yeap, designed to refresh and enlighten listeners. Its vision is to see its local worship songs heard not just by Singaporeans but also by people overseas and to be blessed by them. Since Singapore does not have a Christian radio station at present, its goal is to provide wholesome and enriching spiritual content to its listeners. Amplify Podcast SG is the first Christian Radio podcast in Singapore that features local worship music.
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Amplify Podcast Episode 43 // In His Plans
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Every single day, we are constantly making plans. We make plans daily, for the short term as well as the long term future. The moment we wake up each day, we already have in our minds the plans for the day and what we want to achieve. But do you know that God also has plans for you? He has got daily, short term, long term plans as well as an eternal plan for you.
And His plans are never to harm you but to give you a hope and future. Which means, your future with Jesus is going to be bright and awesome. But how do we know what His plans for us are? How can our plans go in line with God's plans? What if failed plans are part of His plans for us? Find out more on this week's Amplify Devo Originals where we will share more about God's plans for us and how we can truly trust in His plans and not ours.
Featuring songs Daphne June Lau, Galvin Sng, City Worship, Clement Sim as well as Andrew Yeo.
1) A New Day (Daphne June Lau)
2) I Belong To You (Galvin Sng)
3) Jesus I Live To Sing (City Worship)
4) The Throne Song (Clement Sim)
5) Strength And Peace (Andrew Yeo)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Amplify Podcast Episode 42 // Be A Barnabas
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
We live in a society where sometimes encouragements are few and far-fetched. We often hear words of condemnation that either hurt us or cause fear in our hearts. Words are powerful. They either build us up or tear us down. As the Bible says, our words can either bring life or death to someone. We all have a choice with our words. And not just our words. Our actions matter too as actions speaks louder than words.
Being a Barnabas simply means to be an encourager. The meaning of the name Barnabas means "son of encouragement". A powerful word of encouragement can release a person to reach their potential and also bring comfort in times of stress and depression. To encourage someone is basically to give strength and courage to the person, whether they are facing a seemingly impossible task or whether they are facing a heavy heart. The best thing about encouragement is that, when we encourage someone, we ourselves are encouraged and we build ourselves up too. Find out more in our latest edition of Amplify Devo Originals where we prayerfully write these devotions to let you be refreshed, renewed and restored by the Holy Spirit.
Featuring our very own local worship artistes and band, we have songs by Daphne June Lau, City Worship, Josh Yeoh, Andrew Yeo as well as Galvin Sng.
1) Something Beautiful (Daphne June Lau)
2) Pursuit (City Worship)
3) So Faithful (Josh Yeoh)
4) You Are My God (Andrew Yeo)
5) My Help (Galvin Sng)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Amplify Podcast Episode 41 // The Cost Of Commitment
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Commitment is costly. Whether we like it or not, commitment is needed almost in every part of our lives. Be it with our spouse, in our family, our work or even in our own values and beliefs, commitment is needed to sustain all these relationships. Commitment cannot be shunned away or else the relationship is broken, the work is not completed and the whole family unit crumbles.
Commitment is what bonds and ties the relationship together. Whether it is between men and women in a marriage, or between you and your work, or you and your family or kids, it is what holds everything together. Commitment often causes time, energy, effort and deeds to make something work.
How about between us and God. There was a price to be paid for the commitment between God and us. And Jesus paid the cost of commitment. Find out more on how Jesus paid it for us and how committed He is to us on our Amplify Devo Originals!
Featuring anointed local worship songs by TheEdge, Generations Worship, Alarice, Impact Life Worship and HeartDriven Music.
1) Greater (TheEdge)
2) Passion (Generations Worship)
3) Conqueror (Alarice)
4) Coming Home (Impact Life Worship)
5) Before (HeartDriven Music) (New Release!)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Amplify Podcast Episode 40 // What A Friend
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
We all have friends. Some of us have lots of them while others have fewer. No matter what, friends all play an important role in our lives. So much so that you can tell a person's character by the friends he or she has. Friends help to shape us and help us to become who we are today and tomorrow.
In this week's Amplify Devo Originals, we take a look at the friendship between Jonathan and David in the Bible. How this sweet heartwarming friendship unfolds a special revelation behind our relationship with Jesus. Hear on to unveil this revelation!
Featuring anointed local worship songs by Generations Worship, HeartDriven Music, Josh Yeoh, Impact Life Worship as well as Alarice.
1) Glory Floods (Generations Worship)
2) Undivided Heart (HeartDriven Music)
3) Song Of The Lamb (Josh Yeoh)
4) Refine Me (Impact Life Worship)
5) Tapestry (Alarice)
All Songs Used with Permission.
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios
Sunday May 31, 2020
Amplify Podcast Episode 39 // The Problem With Problems
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
Are you stuck in a problem right now? Are you someone who loves to entertain problems or rejoices when problems arise? Well I guess not! Most of us will shun away from problems. Given a choice, we would prefer peaceful and problem-free lives. Because problems will cause us to worry, stress and even sleepless nights.
But James in the Bible, tells us to count it all joy when problems or trials come? How do we as Christians, rejoice in the midst of problems and shout for joy when trials come? Stay tuned to our Amplify Devo Originals and find out the secret to unlock this amazing truth about problems.
Featuring songs from Gracesongs, Awaken Generations, TheEdge, Daphne June Lau and New Creation Worship.
1) Tainted Glass (Gracesongs)
2) Outrageous (Awaken Generation)
3) All To You (TheEdge)
4) Be Thou My Vision (Keep My Eyes Fixed On You) (Daphne June Lau)
5) I Will Follow After You (New Creation Worship)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios
Sunday May 24, 2020
Amplify Podcast Episode 38 // Stay In The Light
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Do you like to be in the light or darkness? Well the light always shows us the way and help us to see what is around us in the midst of darkness and it also keeps us safe and warm too. But some of us believers might not like the light at times, as we are afraid that the light of God will expose us. We are afraid that the light of God will expose all our sins and shameful deeds to everyone we know like a blockbuster movie screening. So what do we do? Some of us shun from the light of God.
But is the light of God out there to expose us and shame us? Is the light of God out there to condemn us in front of the world? What is the light of God really like? Find out more in this week's segment of Amplify Devo Originals where we prayerfully write all our devotions specially for you and we pray that you will be refreshed, renewed and restored by the Holy Spirit as you read these devotions.
This week we will be featuring anointed worship songs from TheEdge, Daphne June Lau, Generations Worship, New Creation Worship as well as Awaken Generation.
1) No Other Name (TheEdge)
2) So Good To Me (Daphne June Lau)
3) All I Can Do (Generations Worship)
4) Refuge (New Creation Worship)
5) Better Thing (Awaken Generation)
All Songs Used with Permission.
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios
Sunday May 17, 2020
Amplify Podcast Episode 37 // S.O.S.:: Source Of Security
Sunday May 17, 2020
Sunday May 17, 2020
We all need security. Since young, we always have a security blanket or had something to hold on for security. In this unprecedented times, when the world seems to get darker and more confused around, we as Saints and Beloveds of God need to know where and who is our security. Is it in our jobs, money, houses, assets, possessions, titles, deeds, relationships, achievements and accomplishments?
Or is our security based on our relationship with Christ? Is it based on the righteousness that Christ has given to us through the sacrifice and finished work on the cross? The Cross brought us righteousness which also encompasses our security. We do not need to be afraid no matter what happens in the world because God is our refuge, our safety and our source of security.
Bringing you songs from our local worship artistes and teams like TheEdge, Generations Worship, Josh Yeoh, HeartDriven Music and Annette Lee.
1) Let's Celebrate (TheEdge)
2) Everlasting Praise (Generations Worship)
3) Witness (Josh Yeoh) (NEW RELEASE!)
4) The Gift (HeartDriven Music)
5) Spring Will Always Come (Annette Lee) (NEW RELEASE!)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios
Sunday May 10, 2020
Amplify Podcast Episode 36 // Who Do You Serve?
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
In life, we will serve something or someone one way or the other. When we serve someone, we are usually meeting someone else's needs or requests. And it is usually out of our strength, talents or even wealth and knowledge. Sometimes, we end up tired, burned out and poorer. We get frustrated especially we are not appreciated and people whom we serve steps on us.
But when we serve God, the opposite happens. Find out more in this episode of our Amplify Devo Originals where we tailor made and write our devotions specially for you, on what happens when we serve God instead of men.
Featuring songs from Gracesongs, Hinghwa Methodist Church Music, Josh Yeoh, Lighthouse Evangelism as well as TheEdge.
1) Good To Me (Gracesongs)
2) Bring Praise (Hinghwa Methodist Church Music)
3) Surrender (Josh Yeoh)
4) Lest I Forget (Lighthouse Evangelism)
5) You Are Great (TheEdge)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios
Sunday May 03, 2020
Amplify Podcast Episode 35 // You Matter To God
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
Have you ever felt, "Why would God care about me?", "Why would He be bother about this small thing that bugs me?" or "Why would God notice me?", "Why would God love me?". We might fall into this trap thinking we are not worthy to be notice by God and thus not coming to Him with confidence on His love and grace.
But the Bible says in Luke 12:6-7 that He knows the number of hairs on our heads and that we are more valuable than many sparrows whom He never forgets them. So what makes you think that you are forgotten by God. If He knows the number of hair on your head, it means that you matter to Him a lot.
Check out this episode of Amplify Devo Originals where we tailor made and write our devos specially for you.
This episode we will also feature songs from Clement Sim, Generations Worship, Hinghwa Methodist Church Music, Impact Life Worship as well as Galvin Sng.
1) Light To The Nations (Clement Sim)
2) Sing Your Praise (Generations Worship)
3) God Never Fails (Hinghwa Methodist Church Music)
4) Holy Spirit (Impact Life Worship)
5) His Love Will Never Cease (Galvin Sng)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Amplify Podcast Episode 34 // God Our Restorer
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Have you ever had a broken washing machine, TV or even laptop that needs fixing? And when you call the repairman, sometimes, he's able to repair it to eighty percent or ninety percent. But he'll never be able to repair it back to it's hundred percent original condition. God is different. He is more than a repairer. He is our Restorer. He wants to restore everything that is broken in our lives and make it even better than before.
We live in this broken world where we live with broken bodies, relationships and even dreams. But our God wants to restore us and make us even better than before. Find out how He restores us in our Amplify Devo Originals where we tailor made and script every devo specially for you.
Featuring songs from Jachin Huang, Impact Life Worship, Awaken Generation, Clement Sim as well as HeartDriven Music.
1) Revival Glory (Jachin Huang)
2) With You (Impact Life Worship)
3) To God Be The Glory (Awaken Generation)
4) Spirit Rain Down (Clement Sim)
5) Fig Tree (HeartDriven Music)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios