This podcast is a Christian radio show that features Singapore’s own worship songs and devotionals. In addition to curating all the best of Singapore’s Christian hits, this podcast also features a devotional segment called Amplify Devo Originals, written by Douglas Yeap, designed to refresh and enlighten listeners. Its vision is to see its local worship songs heard not just by Singaporeans but also by people overseas and to be blessed by them. Since Singapore does not have a Christian radio station at present, its goal is to provide wholesome and enriching spiritual content to its listeners. Amplify Podcast SG is the first Christian Radio podcast in Singapore that features local worship music.

Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Amplify Podcast Season 4 Episode 4 // Honored In Waiting
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Have you ever found yourself in the midst of life's commercials, promising incredible results if you just follow their formula? But have you wondered, where does true honor come from? Join us on a journey inspired by the timeless wisdom of Proverbs 27:18 as we delve into the art of waiting on the Lord!
In a world filled with noise and promises, let's uncover the secrets of genuine honor and discover the profound truth that transcends the chaos. Are you ready to explore the beauty of actively waiting on God, guarding, watching, and taking heed of His leading?
Listen to our Amplify Devo Originals on our Amplify Podcast today, where we prayerfully write our devos to refresh, renew and restore your souls in Christ.
Songs Featured:
1) 在这世代 (Glorious Music)
2) Hope (Impact Life Worship)
3) My Greatest Treasure (Ryan Ashley)
4) Wilderness (Josh Yeoh)
5) Imperfect (fold & fellow)
6) Behold (Your Name) (Douglas Christian Yeap)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Follow Us:
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
If you want to support and bless our work and ministry, simply click on here! Thank you!
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios

Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Amplify Podcast Season 4 Episode 3 // Christ The Head
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
In the wisdom of Colossians 1:18, we find the profound truth that Christ is the Head of the Church, the source of boundless blessings and transformative wisdom. His guidance leads to a life of purpose and restoration, touching every corner of our existence.
When we surrender to His authority, we unlock an abundance of blessings that surpass earthly understanding. Our relationships, families, careers, and even our health are transformed by His wisdom and love.
Believe in Christ as your Head, and you'll encounter breakthroughs beyond measure. His wisdom flows through every area of our lives, offering guidance and direction in abundance.
Let's walk this journey together, embracing the blessings that come from having Christ at the center. Tune in to our Amplify Devo Originals where we prayerfully write our devos to refresh, renew and restore your souls in Christ.
Songs Featured:
1) He Is Alive (Douglas Christian Yeap)
2) A New Well (The Encounter Music)
3) In God We Trust (Impact Life Worship)
4) How Long (Song Of The Martyrs) (Josh Yeoh)
5) Great I Am (Fruitful Vine Worship)
6) Sleep (Fold & Fellow)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Follow Us:
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
If you want to support and bless our work and ministry, simply click on here! Thank you!
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios

Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Amplify Podcast Season 4 Episode 2 // The Lord Is My Shepherd
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
In this episode of our Amplify Devo Originals, where we prayerfully write our devos to refresh, renew and restore your souls in Christ, we delve into the profound truths of Psalm 23 and the comforting imagery it paints of Jesus as our Good Shepherd. Just as a shepherd cares for his flock, the Lord watches over us, ensuring we lack nothing.
We explore the transformative power of righteousness in our lives, understanding that it is not our own efforts, but His grace, that leads us on the right path. As we trust in His guidance, we find comfort in the assurance that even in our darkest valleys, we need not fear, for He is our constant companion, providing protection and support.
Join us in this episode as we invite you to open your heart to receive the goodness and mercy the Lord offers every single day. Let us find rest, safety, abundance, and peace in His loving guidance, knowing that in Him, we lack nothing.
Tune in as we explore how, just like sheep trust their shepherd, we can confidently follow the voice of our Good Shepherd and make our dwelling place in His presence forever.
Songs Featured:
1) Count Your Mercies (Justin Chan)
2) 建立 (生命之光)
3) Face To Face (New Creation Worship)
4) Allegiance (Josh Yeoh)
5) So Many Reasons (Ryan Ashley)
6) I'll Be Still (The Encounter Music)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Follow Us:
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
If you want to support and bless our work and ministry, simply click on here! Thank you!
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios

Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Amplify Podcast Season 4 Episode 1 // Hope Does Not Disappoint
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Join us on a journey where hope blooms eternal and love knows no bounds. From the depths of Romans 5:5, we'll explore how God's love transforms disappointments into opportunities, anchors our souls, and manifests His glory in every aspect of our lives.
Discover the promise that God's love poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit is a beacon of hope that never disappoints. Let's embrace this overflowing love and find strength in the midst of challenges.
When we place our hope in Jesus, the hope of glory, His radiance shines in relationships, work, studies, dreams, and family bonds. Let's journey together as we become vessels of His grace, spreading His love and light wherever we go.
Tune in to our Amplify Devo Originals where we prayerfully write our devos to refresh, renew and restore your soul in Christ.
Songs Featured:
1) Jesus Shall Reign (Justin Chan)
2) 崇拜 (The Encounter Music)
3) My Sons & Daughters (Ryan Ashley)
4) 全然爱祢 (Awaken Generation)
5) Trust In You (feat. Sophia Sng) (Eileen Lau)
6) Transformed (HeartDriven Music)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Follow Us:
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
If you want to support and bless our work and ministry, simply click on here! Thank you!
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios

Sunday May 28, 2023
Amplify Podcast Season 3 Episode 20 // The Convictor & Declarer
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Discover the remarkable connection between the Swiss Army Knife and the Holy Spirit. Uncover the fascinating parallels as we delve into John 16:8-11. Journey with us as we explore the multifaceted role of the Holy Spirit as our Helper, Convictor, and Declarer. Experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in your life, guiding you towards righteousness, declaring the abundant blessings of Christ, and bringing liberation from the bondage of sin. Prepare to be inspired and amazed by the profound insights that await you. Stay tuned for an extraordinary revelation that will revolutionize your understanding of the Holy Spirit and His work in your life.
Stay tuned to our Amplify Devo Originals where we prayerfully write our devos to refresh, renew and restore your souls in Christ.
Songs Featured:
1) When I Survey (Lord Have Mercy) (Justin Chan)
2) More Than Enough (Impact Life Worship)
3) 奇妙(真实的恩典)(New Creation Worship)
4) Great I Am (feat. TK Teo) (Douglas Christian Yeap)
5) The Lord Will Save You (feat. Noemi Hernandez) (Tondy Lubis)
6) Brave (Trinity Christian Centre)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Follow Us:
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
If you want to support and bless our work and ministry, simply click on here! Thank you!
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios

Sunday May 14, 2023
Amplify Podcast Season 3 Episode 19 // How To Get Spiritual Wisdom
Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
The book of Ephesians teaches that spiritual wisdom is essential for believers to comprehend the hope, inheritance, and power available to them in Christ. To obtain this wisdom, one must first acknowledge their need for it and ask God for it through prayer. As believers continue to seek God's wisdom through prayer and studying His word, the Holy Spirit will illuminate their hearts and minds, revealing the deep mysteries and truths of God. By walking in spiritual wisdom, believers can experience a closer relationship with God and live a life that honors Him.
Stay tuned to our Amplify Devo Originals where we prayerfully write our devos to refresh, renew and restore our souls in Christ.
Songs featured:
1) Till Your Kingdom Come (We Will Run) (Justin Chan)
2) Isaiah 43 (Fruitful Vine Worship)
3) By Your Spirit (I Will Rise) (Impact Life Worship)
4) We Surrender (Michelle Gondokusumo)
5) Jesus I Live (Mandarin Version) (Hope Church Singapore)
6) 美好的事 (New Creation Worship)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Follow Us:
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
If you want to support and bless our work and ministry, simply click on here! Thank you!
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios

Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Amplify Podcast Season 3 Episode 18 // The Greatest Knowledge
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Discover the most powerful knowledge that can transform your life and the lives of those around you. In this inspiring piece, learn why knowing the love of Christ is the key to unlocking the fullness of God's power and abundance. Explore how communing with God and reading His Word can reveal fresh revelations of His love, enabling you to conquer challenges and thrive in life. Join the journey of discovering Christ's love and be filled with the fullness of God today.
Tune in to our Amplify Devo Originals where we prayerfully write our devos to refresh, renew and restore your souls in Christ.
1) Made Me Glad (Awaken Generation)
2) 爱之土,信之路 (Grace Assembly Of God)
3) I Will Worship You (Fruitful Vine Worship)
4) The Proof (Ryan Ashley)
5) 仰望祢十架 (生命之光)
6) Your Grace Makes A Way (Michelle Gondokusumo)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Follow Us:
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
If you want to support and bless our work and ministry, simply click on here! Thank you!
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios

Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Amplify Podcast Season 3 Episode 17 // Stay In Your Position
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
As Christians, it's easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and forget that we are meant to stay connected to Christ in order to bear fruit. In John 15:5, Jesus uses the analogy of a vine and branches to illustrate this point, saying, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
It's a simple yet powerful reminder that we are not self-sufficient, but rather entirely dependent on Christ for our spiritual growth and well-being. When we stay connected to Him, we can bear fruit that glorifies God and blesses others. But when we try to go it alone, we inevitably wither and fail. Tune in to our Amplify Devo Originals where we prayerfully write our devos to refresh, renew and restore our souls in Christ, to find out how we can stay in our position today.
Songs featured:
1) I Will Go (Impact Life Worship)
2) God With Us (Mandarin Version) (Hope Church Singapore)
3) There's A Garden (Awaken Generation)
4) Ablaze For You (Fruitful Vine Worship)
5) You Never Fail (Clement Sim)
6) Still Waters (The Encounter Music)
All Songs Used With Permission.
Follow Us:
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
If you want to support and bless our work and ministry, simply click on here! Thank you!
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios

Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Amplify Podcast Season 3 Episode 16 // How To Resist The Devil?
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Are you struggling with temptation and feel like the devil is constantly attacking you? In today's episode, we'll explore James 4:6-7 and learn practical ways to resist the devil. We'll discuss the importance of humility and submitting ourselves to God, as well as relying on God's grace. If you want to live a victorious life and overcome the devil's schemes, then tune in to this episode and learn how to resist the devil and draw near to God.
Tune in to our Amplify Devo Originals where we prayerfully write our devos to refresh, renew and restore your soul in Christ.
Songs featured:
1) 心之所向 (Awaken Generation)
2) Because You Love Me (Galvin Sng)
3) Pursuit (Riverlife Worship)
4) Y H V H (Mandarin Version) (New Creation Worship)
5) Prodigal (Aaron Matthew)
6) Fire Inside (feat. Matthew Low & Delise Yang) (Michelle Gondokusumo)
All Songs Used With Permission.
To register for HeartDriven Music's concert, click here:
Follow Us:
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
If you want to support and bless our work and ministry, simply click on here! Thank you!
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios

Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Amplify Podcast Season 3 Episode 15 // The Psalm 91 Protection
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Are you looking for comfort and protection in uncertain times? Look no further than Psalm 91. In this episode, we explore this powerful psalm of trust and confidence in God's protection and care for His people. From the promise of shelter and refuge to the presence of God's angels and His assurance of long life and salvation, Psalm 91 is a source of hope and comfort for those seeking guidance and protection in troubled times. Tune in as we delve into the rich imagery and timeless truths of this beloved psalm, and discover the peace and strength that comes from trusting in God's loving care.
Stay tuned to our Amplify Devo Originals as we prayerfully write our devotions to refresh, renew and restore your soul in Christ.
1) Galaxy (The Meeting Tent)
2) Live To Worship (HeartDriven Music)
3) 我相信祂 (生命之光)
4) Under The Shelter Of Your Wings (Trinity Christian Centre)
5) Psalm 27 (This Is What I Seek) (Michelle Gondokusumo)
6) This Is Hope (The Encounter Music)
All Songs Used With Permission.
To register for HeartDriven Music's concert, click here:
Follow Us:
Website: www.amplifystudiossg.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gpaT8kPYIn9SotEKIrIMF
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/amplify-podcast/id1474444646
If you want to support and bless our work and ministry, simply click on here! Thank you!
Patron: https://patron.podbean.com/amplifypodcastsg
God bless,
Amplify Studios